I had already completed the questline in Primm and was heading into Vikki and Vances to unload
some merchandise. Upon entering everyone immediately turned on my freindly bot and blew him
to bits, then went back to there normal habits, ignoring my presence all together. Quite upset I just
lost my new companion I reloaded my auto save and continued to play as normal. Since then I have
had about half a dozen encounters were freindly npc's turn on ED-E and fight to the death with him.
this has caused,
"The Great Massacare of Goodsprings"
ED-E systematicly killed every townsfolk while I watched in awe.
"Mojave Outpost Rebelion"
The NCR troops begain attacking ED-E untill he was dead, then turned on each other
killing most of the outpost including Cassidy.
and who can forget
"New Vegas Robot on Robot Crime"
While exploring out side Lucky 38, Protectrons turned hostile on poor ED-E,
turning him into a scrap pile. Boone, enraged by the death of his fellow mate,
began firing wildly into the air causing wide spread panic. This lead to the death
of an innocent bystander known only as "The Courier".
Now seriously, has this happened to anyone else? Its quite annoying when i'm
playing on hardcoe. Is this a glitch or am I triggering this to happen some how?
its happened on a few diffrent saves now, and given the amount of glitches in this
game I wouldnt be surprised if this was one more. In normal mode they will stay
hostile with him even after he dies. They just kill him over and over again untill I leave
the area.