it takes to long and takes all the fun away
I does take a really long time. It doesn't take any fun away from the game, in my humble opinion.
Good, vlearn to play the game propely you dont need 28 perks.
You don't need 28 perks, but that doesn't mean that he's playing the game wrong. What about the PC users that use mod's? No thing wrong with that, nothing wrong with making a gun that owns all with one, or two shots.
Also, using the glitch may give you more perks, but makes the game harder when you first start out. If you start at level 30, with only a varmint rifle and a 9mm, it gonna be a pain cause all the enemies have leveled just the same as if you did it over time. Plus, you don't have to take all 28 perks, some of the perks don't carry over, so it is possible to only have 20 perks after the glitch.