Race: Dark Elf (Vampire)
Gender: Male
Body Type: Tall, well-muscled, Agile.
Combat style: Stealth. One hit kill from behind. If they aren't dead, then they are easy to finish off quietly.
Weapon/s: Double Short Swords, Bow (for those special Sniper moments).
Clothing/Armor: All light Armor, colored Black until they come up with a darker color.
Hair: Platimum White pulled back into a long ponytail.
Eyes: Dunmer Red, but if you see them then it's the last thing you see...
Home: Something akin to the Vile Lair, or a Dark Brotherhood/Morag Tong Sanctuary.
Story: If anyone knows my story, then I messed up on some contracts and I am now hunting the survivors who know that I exist... (existing employers and potential ones excluded of course.)