» Sat Oct 30, 2010 3:07 pm
voted yes, yes, and I'm not sure. Not sure on the last one since it's done in a more open space. May present more of a challenge for devs to accomplish. I think having movable furniture in one small interior per city shouldn't be to much to ask.
Although there is a mod that has furniture Havocked (Havock Physics) for Oblivion, so you can move/ push it around, but I found it too moveable. I'd be in a hurry, bump into furniture and it goes flying across the room.
I'd like movable furniture in the sense that I can pick it up into inventory and place it down, but once in place I don't want it to be effected by Havocked Physics. Of course it would take the player to momentarily empty their inventory to be able to lift larger pieces of furniture.