I was going to say pro-empire anyway, but Aradal's arguments just threw any doubt I had of the empire out of the window. I am in awe of your debate skills! :bowdown:
I'm not sure what my nord will think about this. I mean, in his previous lives (reincarnation type stuff) the empire has always been just and fair in his eyes.
But now, the people who brought him up seem to resent the empire, so he was brought up to think that way too.
Perhaps he is neutral. He does not know at the moment.
Thanks! Debate class, Philosophy, Dragon Age 1/2, and so forth have really trained me. I still have a lot to learn though
I sir, am anti Imperial!
Damn those self righteous idiots.
Why can't they keep to themselves like the rest of Tamriel!? They have to destroy the culture of others, force them into thier own, and even try to take over with thier silly religion! Did anyone ever ASK for the Empire to invade thier homelands? I think not.
Granted, if it wasn't for the Empire, who would I have to mindlessly slaughter?

You have inspired me to create an Empire hating Nerevarine that will destroy all Empire influence! (again, but this time he'll ignore the law!)
I would love to see the Aldmeri Dominion rise up, however. I would love to see a major conflict between the two Empires, and various small bastions of slavery and superiority in Skyrim would be quite nice. Quaint, even!
Yet were it not for the Empire, Hammerfell and High Rock would have fallen into endless civil war, Morrowind would have been destroyed, and Tamriel would have been the realm of Mehrunes Dagon.
The Empire respects local tradition and religion, as long as it does not support slavery or oppose Imperial law. The various regional rulers retain their power, answering only to the Emperor. And as for our conquest, Tamriel must be united to face any threat. No one can afford to stand alone.