I am trying to judge a Trailer based on a new game that was announced, so I won’t judge it.
This is what I am hoping for… that will be in the next game.
Anyways on with the show: (Game Designers can take notes) -My 2 Cents- If you have any creative feedback let me know. Most just Troll thought.
What I’d like to see in Skyrim
I would love to finally see the following playable races in a RPG: a Dragon Race, Werewolves, Nagus, and other strange mythological creatures being playable, besides the same boring race a example would be humans.
Another must RPG must have is Coop or online multiplayer. If your game doesn’t have this, I don’t even bother to look at it.
Yes on to number 3, the game has to show me a world that I’ve never seen before and have interesting characters and creatures and an original story.
Number 4! Seriously I am not seeing any originality to the design or games or stories you are making currently but who am I to judge really. This could change over time.
Many like to scream out to my posts screaming TROLL!
But yes one day I will put out my book and believe me it unlike anything ever read before.
Answering Questions for those ahead of time: (FAQ)
The Last Question most like to hit me with is this. Why don’t you go make a video game?
But the problem is this..
I can’t magically get some of these things done. Because I don’t have the money.
Course I did my best as one person do this!!
But what people don’t get is..you need someone to pick you up! (or believe in you)
Like my game design teacher told me. You have to find am (ANGEL).. like Walt Disney did.. This meaning someone who has allot of money!

Sadly I wasn't born into a big family with lots of money nor am I a DOCTOR! So don't shoot me down because I am not some rich guy.
Currently I was working for game company as an Intern 4 months ago but sadly the team all left and decided to work for Sony. None of my team members told me what was going on and I was left holding the rope.
I have also had this happen to me while I was working on other gaming mod projects where team leaders would get into fights and the game would never get done. So when people who pretend to be your friends and team members see a creative guy who is a threat. What do you think they are going to do?
They leave you behind because they don't want you being the next big thing... or like most of you I am sure you'd probably assume I was a failure. But I kept saving the company money and they still didn't know what they were doing in terms of making a good game.
(If you wish to contact)
Please get back to me and if you are a real game designer wanting to take risks, or someone who cares about making something amazing. Please PM me.