» Sun May 01, 2011 9:06 pm
This game is really awesome, has a lot of elements that makes it unique. It is ideal for people who enjoy realistic elements in games, as it contrasts other shooters with huge cannons and rocket launchers so much. It is a different type of fast paced gaming. However at times the game is just a bit too hard, especially the chase scenes, and the "action" button seriously needs some refining. The object being activated should light up or something so you're not blindly activating random objects. Also there needs to be a RUN mode! It seriously does NOT make sense (especially since the game is so realistic minus the monsters) that Walters would be using the same speed as a stroll in the park when running away from a rolling ball of tentacles, or a group of murderers storming into the hotel. "I'm Jack Walters and I'm scared to death and having hallucinations and yet I shall maintain my gentleman posture and walk around with my gentleman speed"~ -.-';; I think it's these frustrating parts, combined with the sometimes excessive and unnecessary long periods of walking around not doing anything that didn't allow the game to be as successful as it should be.