see the problem with this though is that you can clearly see that she's standing up straight, not bending over - and yet she can still see her neckline and her entire body. the only way that's possible at the angle she's viewing it from is if she's got a giraffe neck.
i'm indifferent. i'm cool with body awareness if it's handled as elegantly as Mirror's Edge handled it - where there was an actual REASON for it - but if it's Crysis-style where you really only see your legs when you jump or crouch then i don't see why it would be worth the effort, and if it's ARMA-/Mount & Blade-style where you're just a head on a body and it's impossible for you to climb a set of stairs then flat out no.
it won't happen, but it'd be great, let's hope there aren't any platforming parts
dude what. okay so like
imagine pulling some Mirror's Edge wallrunning gymnastics [censored] trying to escape from some old ruin that just got [censored] up by a dragon.
then you slip into BULLET TIME DRAGON SHOUT and do a crouching tiger jump off the wall and JAM YOUR SWORD INTO THE DRAGON and use it as leverage to do a cool backflip and land on the dragon's neck and then proceed fight it in midair as it swings around wildly trying to get you off.
then the ghost of esbern (who's likely sacrificed himself by that point for some noble cause or another) tells you to USE THE POWER INSIDE and you throw away your weapons and OSMOSIS DRAGON SHOUT and BECOME THE DRAGON.
all of this set to [censored] that sounds fantastic.