Please help me, i have a problem with the safe under the church. I know that the code to this safe is 3-1-5-7 , but it doesn`t works !!!! I`ve tryed a million times, but when i insert the code into the safe; nothing happens !!!!!!!! Please help me, i`m really desperate, i still wanna play to call of cthulhu , but this stupid epizode (is this a bug ??) makes the the thing impossible
. Can you help me, tell me what should i do, or if it is a bug, can you send me a save file to my mail ?? ('ll be grateful for any help and/or suggestions
.PS.Sorry for eventual errors, but my english isn`t perfect, i`m not american or british, i`m from Poland
:D. :cthulhu: :cthulhu: :cthulhu: <-this emoticon rlz !