make it easier to mod, and let us make better mods

Post » Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:52 am

1: the easiest feature would be to make loose files always overwrite the ones in the cache file (the default one)

2: allow us to make new behaviors- like kicking or throwing our weapons.adding parkour, maybe make new weapons, like repeating crossbows with their own animations.

3: let us make some algorithm- from my body morphing thread it seems people want complete control over their bodys. i want a realistic approach- let me add attributes if they arent already in, and let me relate attributes to the human body, on a less complex note- let me add more skills, or a spell effect. or making a new class of armour (if medium armour gets taken out but light and heavy stay- i want to put it back in)

4: give us something to randomly generate stuff

5: geck and the cs where very bad when it comes to populating the world, please fix this

6: particle editor - i want it

7:let us search for models within the main files

8: make scripting better
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Post » Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:10 am

Modding isn't all that difficult. If anything, making it easier to mod would make it harder to make better mods.
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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Tue Feb 22, 2011 7:17 am

Modding isn't all that difficult. If anything, making it easier to mod would make it harder to make better mods.

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Gemma Archer
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Post » Tue Feb 22, 2011 12:08 am

Modding isn't all that difficult. If anything, making it easier to mod would make it harder to make better mods.

I think it should stay the same, with proper work, you can do some amazing stuff on the ES4 editor, I don't see why that should change.
I'm all for some improvements, but any drastic changes should be carefully planed out (as always).

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Post » Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:16 am

Places like Planet Elderscrolls are crowded enough already with mediocre mods, I think a good amount of skill should be involved.
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Post » Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:55 am

I see nothing wrong with most of that, except that 1 is already true except for a bug in the engine that is unlikely to get copied across to the new engine.

Mostly I just want room for expansion. If you are gonna add three "weapon mods" (not in Skyrim, of course) to each weapon, add space in the editor for six weapon mods and let the community build the extra assets.
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Charity Hughes
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Post » Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:58 pm

With Morrowind, Oblivion, and Fallout 3 the editor which was released to fans was the same one that the developers themselves use - with only a few minor tweaks. It doesn't make sense for Bethesda to put lots of features in to their editor that they won't be using themselves which means they'd either have to develop an expansion of sorts of a whole new editor. Unless this is something that will reach the entire community, and not just PC gamers, I think they're unlikely to do this.

Now some of your features may make sense for an in-house editor, but some do not. I also have to agree with Nixta that making the editor "easier" risks removing options rather than adding them. However you seem to be suggesting more access and options rather than easier editing.
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sarah simon-rogaume
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Post » Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:39 am

There is one all defining factor that your overlooking. The Kit will be the tool used by the devs and their time is money so they'll not be coding any features into the editor that they don't need to make the game.
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Tha King o Geekz
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Post » Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:33 pm

I wouldn't want them to waste money, but if there is no real difference between them coding in three options or six options, I'd prefer the six.

Just don't waste money making the assets to fill those slots. The community is great at making assets, but cramming them into the game can get really difficult sometimes.
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:53 pm

Don't really care that much, as long as Skyrim is awesome from the start; I see no big reasons for modding.
After a while though, mods can make the game even bigger and add more content, which is good.

If anything, I believe that Bethesda would release Kit for players to use. How "easy" Kit is unknown. I doubt, however, that Bethesda would waste precious time on making modding "easier" by practically making a new version of Kit.
Usually though, developers want to make it as easy for them as possible to do as much as possible :)

In any case, Bethesda almost definitely wouldn't make a new modding tool that's easier to use, just because some people find it harder. They'll most likely just release Kit the way it is.
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Latino HeaT
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Post » Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:52 am

Modding isn't all that difficult. If anything, making it easier to mod would make it harder to make better mods.


Most of the things you want can be done with other free programs anyways.
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Samantha Wood
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Post » Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:25 pm

the only thing i would change is add in extra empty slots for things like animations. seems to be a complaint in the modding community when they have to override something because they dont have any more animation slots to use. i wouldnt make the kit too easy to use although its very simple once you get past that initial "holy [censored] what the hell are all these numbers for" stage when you first open it up. im afraid if they made it super user friendly they might make it less versatile to simplify it. i want it as powerful and versatile as possible.
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