I am looking to work with a *nix operating system but don't want to mess with the boot loader or other issues so I was thinking of trying to use VirtualBox to try them in a VM. However I have no experience with this and am looking for some advice in getting started with them.
My system is right now:
-Windows 7 Pro x64
-4gb of RAM
-768mb 8800gtx
That's all I think would matter in regards to running the VM. What else should I take into consideration before starting?
Installing is half the fun though
You miss out on all the real-hardware experience.
Anyway, the CPU is an important matter. I haven't used VirtualBox in something like a year or two, so I can't comment on how things are going now as far as features, but back then when you created your VM you had various option: How much RAM to give it, USB support, Floppy and CD, CPU cores to use, Video RAM, Shared files, and a few other things. The only thing I can recall reading about new since when I ran it was newer and better OpenGL support.
With your system I would suggest:
-Dynamically expanding HDD (give it a good 7-15 GB to start)
-1 GB of RAM
-128 k of Video RAM Min.
-Two cores if on a quad core processor
-Installation of the Virtualbox Guest Additions (Found in Devices->Install Guest Additions when running the VM)
-Enable 3D acceleration
In general just mess around with the settings for the VM (when you select a VM, Virtualbox has a few options, one of which is "settings")