but thats the thing
I rather items not get nerfed because their max is level 40 and im only 21,
but thats the thing

Hold on now, a "leveled list" is just a random placer and the nature of what it is placing is defined independently from that, meaning that it can randomly spawn a static object or creature from a list as well as spawning a leveled object or creatures from multiple lists. So exactly the way we are thinking about it can be done on the Oblivion engine and the FO3 engine.
I'm really hoping that they have added some variables to the leveled lists and who knows maybe that's what Radiant Story is at it's core. A universal variable distribution system, doling out variables to various game systems based on gathered data("it watches everything you do").
I too can see the possibility for folly here but I just can't get down about it because i see so many pieces present, a foundation if you will of all the mechanics I ever wanted in OB, air and water animal mechanics, multiple body meshes, animations out the wazoo, I will happily spend the next 5 years (along with 10,000 or so other people) trying to rearrange those pieces (and add a few new ones) into a complete and satisfying game experience.
Ok, i admit it, I actually have more fun modding the game than playing it. That's why I'm going to avoid the CK like the plague until I've experienced all i can stomach of the vanilla game.