The time where i said "I love this game!" was when i saw a deadric ruin the first time in Morrowind.
The strange structure and the atmosphere were great and i woud love to see them back in Skyrim :happy:
I didnt liked the ayleiden in Oblivion because they looked all same and were only white with no other colores.
Sorry if there were already an theard for this topic and for my bad english :s
Daedric ruins all looked the same too, so I dont get your point. I actually LOVED Ayelied ruins, and playing with the Atronach sign was fun, cuz you had to scavenge them to get the blue crystal things cuz you dont regenerate magicka.
Also, Dwemer ruins all looked the same in Morrowind. Again...not sure what your point is.
Sometimes I think theres people here that never played Morrowind, but they say they do because they think that, if we think they played it, that gives them some sort of status from which they can throw ilogical arguments around.