New 3 PM-5 PM
New 5 PM-10 PM "Spotlight: Ubisoft & Sony"
Day Two -- June 7
New 11 AM-2:30 PM "Spotlight: Nintendo"
New 2:30 PM-4 PM "Spotlight: Microsoft"
New 4 PM-9 PM "Day 2"
Day Three -- June 8
New 6 PM-9 PM "Day 3"
Day Four -- June 9
New 6 PM-9 PM "Day 4"
I wish I could give a more detailed description but all it says is (TV-14, V, L) (Science & Technology)...blah, blah, blah.
I absoultely CAN NOT wait...for next week. Though unfortunately, I will not be able to watch the live episodes to do work so I'll be watching repeats.