PS: there might be some spoilers so watch out
First seed, 28
Well, I never thought I'd get out of that damned cell. Fifty-six horrible years listening to that fetchering swit of a bosmer who wouldn't shut up no matter what. I am suprised I am still sane, the pompus fool of an emperor passed through my cell yesterday and started talking Fetchering things about destiny and following the gods and more idiocracy. Well, now I'm out and my own man again. I've had fifty-six long years to think about what I've done and I have come to one solution, THE MAGES GUILD MUST DIE! In my old province were I was the most prominent necromancer ever, the blasted guild of good mages came and captured me! FEGH! good mages, there nothing but a bunch of stuck up pigs with fancy robes. My dread zombies showed them though, At least five of them died before they even got to me! But enough of the past, that doesn't matter. The blasted mages have some how stunted my magicka. The emperor may his soul burn in oblivion said something about being born under the atronarch symbol but that is just old wives talk. The mages guild also managed to drug me and erase almost all of my necrotic knowledge! But it is not absolute, I to summon lesser skeletons wihch are of no good, after a couple hours of being free and cast fireballs (even if they are weak). I am writing this on skinned goblin flesh in a cave, I found some goblins wich I dispatched of, there was even a skeleton in there but for some reason the bones would not answer when I called to them. But that is of no matter, the drug must wear off eventually I bet they put it in my water every day. I must find the necromancers, join them, and plot my revenge. But for now, day is breaking and I must rest.