You might want to ask a mod to merge your two threads if possible, it would make more sense.
I actually gave you some constructive criticism in my reply to your other thread, but I'll comment on the points you have raised here. Firstly, you're 13 and British. That's fine, and people could cut you some slack, seeing as it is your first go at writing. However, being 13 is no excuse for cutting corners. You should have done a lot of "creative writing" in school by now, would you write like this for a school project? Now, spelling is not everyone's strong point (I'm not that much good at it myself), but you can limit errors. For example, use Word to write up your story before posting it here. That means it'll do a spell check for you. Of if you prefer to write directly on the browser, FireFox has a plug-in spell checker that you can use.
Your capitalisation is a bit off. Ok, most may be typos, but seeing as this is a fanfic rather than a general section, people are going to comment on it more than they would in the other forums. Care and attention is the key. Proof read your chapter before posting.
3. On every FF site they've said "a fan fic must be based in the same world as the real game/book/movie", so my story DOES take place in cyrodil so I thought it would count as a fan fic, sue me 'cause no ones ever ACTULLY bothered to tell me what else makes a fan fiction story
7. its a CROSSOVER, wich as far as I know from reading ALOT of fan fics means two different serie's worlds get mixed up completly or just a few puns
Ok, that's fine, but I've never seen a cross over fanfic here (though I've only been in this sub-forum for a short while) which is why you may be taking a bit of a battering. Also, it may have helped if you had included an Authors Note (AN) at the beginning to try an explain a little bit about what you are writing. I see you have read the RP thread, so think of it as an Out-Of-Character (OOC) where you can tell your readers something. Just a few lines would have helped.
6. I said the suit did not need REPAIR, not that it was invinsable (but for those who think the owner can destroy anyone with the armor and that the story is gonna consist of boring one sided fights, count the number of pods in the "metal object"

Well, I only voiced that it sounded like ubering. In the end it is your character, you can do what you like, but think of your target audience.
Right, onto your character sheet.
Name: Harley
Race: Khajit (spelt right?)
background story?: rescued kvatch from being destroyed by daedra (completly), destroyed umaril with the crusaders relics (which currently reside at the priory undercroft), and stopped the greymarch in shivering isles, currently searching for a legandary suit of armor after hearing a rumor about it from a shopkeeper in bruma
class: spell knight (custom)
birth sign: warrior
major skills: blade, heavy armor, block, destruction, restoration, armorer, light armor
general apperance: light brown fur, yellow eyes (cats eyes but with round pupils), mane hairstyle
armor/clothing: amber set for travelling, madness set for fighting (for the time being)
weapons: dawnfang/duskfang (again, for the time being)
The name: Someone already pointed out it isn't very "Elderscrolls", and definitely not Khajiit, but I'm not as bothered by that, seeing as I named my fanfic character Jael, as it seemed 'right' to me, it just fit her. If you really think your character suits the name, keep it. If you aren't attached to it, maybe you could think about changing it.
Background story. Too vague. If you are going to write about it in subsequent chapters, that's fine, just a taster. However, if you are never going to write about it again, think about writing it into its own chapter, maybe as a prologue.
Skills etc we don't really need to know.
Appearance: Again short, but I expect you'll refer to this more in your fanfic anyway.
Armour/weapons: Someone else already commented on this. I agree with them regarding lugging around two sets of armour. Also, both armour and weapons are "strong", it's like your character popped out of the air with all brilliant gear and no explanation of how he got it. A back story would help.
However: Saying all that, I'm not really a fan of posting a character sheet for a fanfic, because all the details in it should come out in the story of your fanfic, through the descriptions of what is happening, and how they react etc. Making on for your own reference can be handy though.
Anyway, hope that helps. By the way, you might want to read some of the more established fan fics around here for a good idea of what makes one work. Eg. The King and I by Rumpleteaza.