So, the idea of this RP would be to have a Tamriel where the Oblivion Crisis didnt happen. Maybe Mankar Camorann fell and died, leaving the Mythic Dawn cult desintegrating or something

The scenario would be that Uriel VII still dies within two or three years, of old age. His successor (Geldall by age, but maybe he dies before...) is not universally regogniced by everybody in the Empire, due to the accusations of him being a magical doppelg?nger. The Shornhelm Septims (Septims by law but not blood, as per the Brief Histroy of the Empire) raise a claim and find many supporters, but there are also many isolated revolts, and the loyality of the Legions is in doubt. In short, the Empire is crumbling.
The game would take place, or at least start, in one of the outer provinces, one of those that have a great resistance to the Empire anyways - Summerste, Morrowind, Hammerfell, Elsweyr... I would tend towards Morrowind, simply as we have the most information and hence most complex background about it, and as then the aforementioned local conflicts could be integrated. OTOH, I realise that this is kinda clichee, and that there are quite many RPs placed in Morrowind.
So, would there be interest in such a game?