Standard Note: PM Character Builds to me and await confirmation first before posting them here
Dagoth Ur was slain in 430, and Almalexia in 431. Yet however in 433, there was no Oblivion Crisis - no apocylptic event ending the Empire. Instead, it tottered on, burdened with quite many problems. After Uriel VII dies in 434, his youngest son (the older two having predeceased their father in the recent troubles) Ebel Septim takes the throne, naming himself (after a second name of him) Cephorus III. However, many doubt he is the real Ebel, instead of a magical doppelganger created by Jagar Tharn. Hence, in High Rock, the Shornhelm Septims, Septims by law but not blood, the adopeted descendants of Katariah, raise an own claim under "Cynus I". While it hence comes to war in North West Tamriel, Imperial authority elsewhere just gradually erodes. Legions are recalled but do not obey, local population not regarding Impeirla provinical administrtaions anymore, local conflicts brewing and local insurrections, for independance or for Cynus all over the place.
In the meanwhile, in Morrowind, King Helseth tries to hold to power and to hold Morrowind together under imperial rule. Having angered too many factions at once, it appeared likely at one time he would lose power, but the Nord Incursions gave him an opportunity of winning Redoran's support, and using his assassins he also cleared House Hlaalu of Llethan supporters. Now he has the support of Hlaalu and Redoran, and at least a detente with Indoril. House Dres still nominally accepts him though being hostile, but is in any case too busy with invading Argonia. The Telvanni have evicted most imperial rpesence in their lands and are d efatco independant - and so is Vvardenfell. After the Nerevarine (in this scenario an anti-Imperial Dunmer leading both Redoran and Temple on Vvardenfell) assembled an anti-imperial army in 433, he surprisingly left for Akavir at the end of the year. This let his army fade away, but Vvardenfell still remains Nerevarinist, under a radical wing of the Temple, trying to purge Vvardenfell of all signs of Imperial presence - not just the institutions, like the Telvanni did, but the people, too. The branches of the three Houses here have become de facto severed from their mainland branches, and officially support the Nerevarinists - but some plot against them in secret.
The Game
This is where the game starts. People are frenetcially trying to get out of Vvardenfell. Not only outlanders or pro-imperial Dunmer. There are enough anti-imperial Dunmer, too, who just ended up on the wrong side in one of the many power struggles now happening on the island. Your character is for any of those reasons you choose in his or her background one of them, and he or she has gotten hold of a sort of "underground railroad", running through Balmora and the Bitter Coast to the mainland. At the start of the game the characters will approach Balmora, passing the guards at the gates (who are secret members of the undergroudn railroad system, as the characters have been instructed) with a secret password, "Hlormaren". And then, they will try to find the house described to them, in the poorer, lower side of Balmora at the northern end, where they will all gather.
What I need to know is...
Name (duh):
Appearance: Just how the character looks
Personality: Including advantages, disavdantages, quirks and of course just a general outlook how the chars personalit yis
Talents: As the RP will be free of PC game mechanics, not a list of skills from the games, but a general description/explanation.
Background: Why the char is on Vvardenfell (long term settler or whatever), and how he ro she saw teh chaos of the recent years.
And as said, PM me the char build first and wait for my confiormation before posting it here.
Ehhh... I feel other RPs make too big a point of it. Just dont break forum rules, they should cover most. Apart from that, some guidelines about standard stuff:
1) No godmodding: Not using other characters without their players permission (okay, thats a rule, not a guideline, heh)
2) Be civil
3) Be reasonably serious about the game
4) Have common sense in what you think is realistic both in character behaviour and in what actions would be realistcially successful or not (if in doubt, consult me)
5) Try to avoid posting only in short posts. I wont make a word minimum, but, well, rule 4 applies

6) if in doubt, I am the highest authority on contentious matters.
Should there be any questions about this game, just PM me.