Just like the earliest Chimer who orphaned themselves from the Velothi Exodites, but remain Chimer today
OK, perhaps saying that all the Chimer followed Veloth to Resdayn was a bit too much, but them having orphaned themselves from the Velothi Exodites implies that they did have something to do with Veloth at one time. So I would say that perhaps...Chimer were the Deadra-worshipping Aldmer that followed Veloth. So they didn't necessarily have to have followed Veloth to Resdayn, but they did follow him at one point. Or perhaps, they were simply part of the culture that the Chimer had created.
Where does one draw the lines between elven cultures and races? We have the Altmer, Ayleids and the Direnni (Clan), and the largest difference between them seems to be that they settled in different regions and developed different cultures. They were all Aldmer once.
Where does one draw the line? Good question. I'd say that it's at the point where there's such a difference between two peoples that well...they're not the same. Terrible, I know, but I haven't gotten any sleep for the last 20 hours, so I think this'll be tonights last post.
It seems very likeable to me that Chimer might be another "race" just based on that their culture is different from the "common" Altmer culture.
Of course, they were. I'm just saying that being a Deadra-worshipping Altmer does not make you a Chimer. The Chimer were actually a race with their own developed culture, and simply worshipping Daedra as an Altmer does not make you one.