here's the file i made for anyone curious enough. I tested the file myself and it seemed to work out well.
The next step I was hoping to add would be some sort of strength/weapon skill requirement to change the "stance" of the sword. I was wondering if there would be any possible way to make this switching active. When i say active i mean that instead of having to drop the sword to the ground, you could switch from one handed to two handed in combat. Anyone wiling to contribute any scripts to help this mod along it's way would be great and the help would be appreciated. It's kind of a miracle i manage to do what i did with the test so I'll definitely need help getting this mod going. I'm hoping to adapt the scripts for each sword in the game and maybe even have them switchable to parrying swords (with the appropriate skills). I know it's a bit ambitious for a first mod, but i think with the help of the community maybe I'll finally be able to give something back that people might like, for all the years I've been downloading mods

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