PC animations cannot be scripted with “direct” animation functions (e.g. AIWander). L&L uses NPC clones of a PC.
PlayGroup/LoopGroup functions are not working properly for NPCs.
There is no need to use LizTail’s kit: NPC animations can be attached in the TESCS in the same way as original “dancing girls” animations.
Be ready for tough scripting: AITravel (to approach a chair); Face (to have correct NPC angle alignment with the chair); sitting down transition, sitting, and standing up (if necessary) idle sequences (AIWander); timing of these events (GetSecondsPassed).
And the last but not the least: chair/NPC collision – it is not possible without tricks to convince an NPC to sit correctly on regular MW objects like chair.
From my point of view (unless your are specifically interested in this topic and a good scripter) it is not worthwhile (efforts compared with in-game results) to try that.
NPC posing is less complex, but animations themselves should be “ready” for that: AIWander loops not between “Loop Start”/”Loop Stop” text keys but between “Loop”/”Stop” ones. Hence, transitions should be in separate idles.