how much potential is there for such a character? like, how far in the MQs can he or she get if they do MQs at all, or other quest line(s)? how well off can such a character get in terms of money, reputation and so on? things like that.

did some quick brainstorming, and here is what i have so far.
morals: making him or her a follower of any of the Tamrie's religions and its morals seem like a shaky ground(some reasons being each will have "justification" for killing and maybe stealing?"), so make him or her an atheist of sorts or agnostic?
weapons and armor: keeping to no magic spipulation(including enchanted items), the best is... Ebony? but if Ebony is the blood of the gods, then thats sort of like magic and or sacrilege and or desecration so after Ebony next best is what, Glass or Silver, right?
quests: i am thinking at least some misc quest will fit this no problem? how much, approximately, of any given faction's quest will fit this? this obviously leaves Redoran as the only choice for the Great House if he or she is to choose one, as Hlaalu and Telvanni each is your poster child for aforementioned "to avoid" behaviors. although off the top of my head, even the very first Redoran quest in Ald-Ruhn is about deception of sorts, so kind of leaves me wondering if even Redoran will fit this?
money: biggest problem after morals, me thinks. i mean, killing just get to their wealth is out of the question even with "he attacked first" excuse that Taunt offers. bounty hunter quest that potentially might offer some compensation is a shaky ground because no killing rule. enchanting-conjuration abuse is out of the question too because no magic thing. looting bandit hideouts is stealing, i think, since that's their items, and killing them just for the chance to have those items owner-less is shady practice. looting Dwemer ruins is illegal, i think(lore wise, since its illegal to remove much less trade with Dwemer artifacts, as far as i remember), right? looting burial sights is stealing from the family's tombs. looting Daedra temples is stealing and or sacrilege and or desecration. looting from dead will not happen too often(no killing thing). so that leaves what, plundering the Sixth House bases full of Sixth House creatures? i guess there is creative, painstaking bartering? gathering plants ingredients and selling them to merchants? what else? i am missing something, or is alchemy the only skill that can be used to make money by making something and then selling it?
eh, what else?