Thought I Would Play a Hard Core Outlaw

Post » Sun May 01, 2011 5:37 pm

I've always played the good guy for the most part. But my current Nord character went rogue. I was in the Vos tower and there was a dude in the prison wearing some glass armor and I thought "What the heck...." I murdered him and killed a Telvanni guard there also. I made my way back to Seyda Neen and killed Socucius Ergalla in the Census and Excise Office and the guard there also. Now I have the "Death Warrant". I'm living in Caldera in the Mages Guild tower, and I'm finding that the Mages Guild transport is about the only way to fast travel.....the Silt Stider operators get to where they don't want to have anything to do with you without a hefty bribe. Also have some stuff stowed in the South Guard Tower in Caldera.
Playing an outlaw has it's own peculiar challenges. I levitate a lot to get away from the guards, it makes them absolutely apoplectic. Now I know what that upper balcony door at Ghorak Manor is good for. heh heh.

So far I'm having a blast and plan to commit much mayhem. Jail is not a considerable option yet, but maybe later when I'm a higher level. I'm level 13, not quite yet able to take an Ordinator down....but looking forward to that....Majors and minors are Unarmored, Hand to Hand, Marksman, Spear, Blunt Weapon, Axe, Acrobatics, Athletics, Short Blade, and Security....

Anybody like to play an Outlaw ? Any thoughts or experiences on the matter?
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Megan Stabler
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 2:08 pm

That sounds more fun on paper than in actuality....
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Da Missz
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 1:45 pm

I never really liked the idea of the "know all, see all guards" wanting me very dead. Might be ok if you are on pc and can use the console to help you. As far as going to jail and serving time you are way past that point. There are some legit ways to get the Death Warrant removed but the guards will kill you now instead of sending you to jail. Good luck.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 12:15 am

I never really liked the idea of the "know all, see all guards" wanting me very dead. Might be ok if you are on pc and can use the console to help you. As far as going to jail and serving time you are way past that point. There are some legit ways to get the Death warrant removed but the guards will kill you now insted of sending you to jail.

Duh. that's right....I forgot. No chance for jail at this point. I'm going to get to where I just kill them all....I can take one of them, but there are no less than six in Caldera. I've killed Ordinator's for fun and profit in the past and their time will come with this Character.

Goes without saying that playing an outlaw excludes you from a lot of quests, but no less than a Vampire for instance.....and at least you can wander in the daylight.
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Miranda Taylor
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 4:29 am

I never really liked the idea of the "know all, see all guards" wanting me very dead.

Well there has got to be some trade off for not being able to open doors.
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Josh Lozier
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 5:35 pm

eh? the game always seems to "chunky" to actually be a badie, maybe in red dead redemption or oblivion you could, but in morrowind it just doesnt work:

steal something, get killed instantly
kill someone, get killed instantly
i hate sneaking, never feels right, i could sneak around for ages and never feel like i was doing anything other than walking around strangely
guards are really strong, to strong
combats horrible! horrible!
in assassin's creed you can assassinate people and climb away on to roof tops, what can you do in MW? "critical sneak hit"? run through the wilderness for hours? boring... and the cities aren't really made for thieves, they're to small.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 12:21 am

eh? the game always seems to "chunky" to actually be a badie, maybe in red dead redemption or oblivion you could, but in morrowind it just doesnt work:

steal something, get killed instantly
kill someone, get killed instantly
i hate sneaking, never feels right, i could sneak around for ages and never feel like i was doing anything other than walking around strangely
guards are really strong, to strong
combats horrible! horrible!
in assassin's creed you can assassinate people and climb away on to roof tops, what can you do in MW? "critical sneak hit"? run through the wilderness for hours? boring... and the cities aren't really made for thieves, they're to small.

i dissagree.

there are plenty of ways to steal something and get away with it. you can even do it with less effort and a little magicka with spells. you can take the mana away too, with enchanted items.
there are PLENTY of ways to kill someone, in the middle of town, right next to a bunch of guards, and get away with it. you dont even have to take a bounty.
just because you dont like sneaking does not mean everyone feels the same. it's personal preference here. you like afterburner, i like flightsim. at higher skill (and with a good speed stat) you can sneak around faster than most NPCs run in broad daylight without much chance of detection.
guards are really weak. far too weak. because they do not scale, after a certain point, guards become like flies, buzzing around impotently, not doing anything.
you do not like the combat system. it's pretty much the same combat system used is most every RPG since gygax wrote d&d. it's really not bad once you have about 30-40 weapon skill. you can start with that much, you know?
yes, as a matter of fact, you can leap onto rooftops and run away. you can straight up fly away if you like. you can even teleport out of the area.

all in all, it sounds like you made a thief type character, tried it for a couple of hours at most, and put it down. nothing in morrowind is really built like that, if you ask me. i've been playing this game since release, and i'm still finding new ways to do things.

but the absolute best part is, if you dont like it, mod it till you do.

i just say all this because my first character was a bandit. i murdered and stole and got away with it most of the time.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 11:16 pm

One thing I should have done is to have gotten all of the Restoration spells beforehand because the main seller of these spells, I'm assuming, will have nothing to do with a renegade....he is in a temple, and I've already discovered that you are not welcome in a temple. I'm stuck with having to lug around potions to restore Strength, Endurance, etc.----- No matter. I don't wear armor with Unarmored as a major so I can carry lots of stuff. I can fortunately get in and out of the Alchemist's shop in Balmora without the guard there getting to me, and I've stocked up on Restoration potions.
Running from the law seems like a very fresh way to play, and believe me, I've played this game a whole lot of different ways over the years. (I got quickly bored with vampirism, however).....I'm doing things I've always felt restrained from doing playing it walking into a Noble's house in the Ascadian Isles and finding out what they have been carrying for all these years as I loot their corpses.
Another thing I've never done before is Hand to hand so I'm working with that a lot with this character. That's what I chose as a major even before going rogue. Slaves do not give outlaws the option to free them so I beat them out of their misery. I don't really like how hand to hand works in Morrowind, but it is different from how I usually do combat, and you seem to level up quickly when utilizing it. I'm simply trying to find ways to play that I've never done before.

wollibeebee asserts, "run through the wilderness for hours? boring"

I strongly disagree with this statement. There is plenty to discover and rediscover in the wilderness.
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Amy Melissa
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 1:50 pm

speaking of hand to hand and unarmored, i had a kajit once using those as majors. he didnt last very long, but he was fun. now that i think of it, i should have invested a bit in a drain or damage fatigue spell to augment my hand to hand.
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 8:30 pm

yup... my current guy has made caldera a ghost town. If anyone so much as looks at me funny I cut them down with my kings oath claymore.

I have the death warrant too.

I went to do the east empire company on solstheim but all the guards at frostmoth attacked me. I had to cut them down.

All the high ordinators in mournhold are after me cos I stole back umbra from the museum, fighting a squad of ordinators is no easy task, even with kings oath and 100 in acrobatics/athletics/speed.

thieves guild/hlaalu wont speak to me cos Ive killed high up ranking members.

There is little hope left for Him, he's a total pimped out killing machine. All he can really do is jump around the land killing stuff. Any roleplay I had with him died when I killed all of Caldera.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 2:06 am

wollibeebee asserts, "run through the wilderness for hours? boring"

I strongly disagree with this statement. There is plenty to discover and rediscover in the wilderness.

i meant, it's boring been chased by heaps of guards for ages :P
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 9:46 pm

i meant, it's boring been chased by heaps of guards for ages :P

Yeah, sorry wollibeebee, I suppose I took your statement a little out of context and disagreed with it as a stand-alone statement. I'm still having a blast avoiding and/or killing the pricks. The mines in the wilderness are more fun, I'm finding.
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