Now working on my 4th character and am starting to think that crafting is actually useful and fun. When I say crafting, I mean anything you can make at an ammo bench, work bench, and campfire.
I’ll skip the part where I tell you how my “crafting character” utilizes things. If you've really experimented with craftables, you know how powerful/useful they can be. Many chems give better bonuses than perks. I’ll use Slasher (+25 DR +25% damage) Party Time Mentats (+5 cha +2 int +2 per) (Rocket AP+30) and that fabulous .44 swc (1.20 x Dam -6DT) as some examples.
Gameplay wise it really opened up New Vegas, giving me different reasons to explore, collect, do certain missions etc. It stopped being a pain to collect things and actually started to become very fun to amass large quantities of crafting materials.
Though there are still some problems. For me, these are:
It takes to long to get a grasp on how to craft things, and how to craft thing efficiently. You can easily say “well you’re dumb, I got it right off the bat.” or “learn how to play noob.”
But I’d argue it takes a lot of game experience/attention to really utilize everything in an efficient manner. What grows wear, what kind of junk is useful to my character, who sells what junk, what ammo components make what ammo types. Basically, how to farm things efficiently. Only a lot of game time will teach you this. Like I said I’m on my fourth play through and now realize that breaking down .308 rounds gives me the materials for GOVT' rounds minus the casing.

Without this experience crafting can be frustrating and useless. You fall into the “it is easier to for me to buy X than to make X ” syndrome.
Improved recipe list (the patch did help!

And please don’t get me started on craftable unique weapons. :cryvaultboy: Damn it, vault boy is crying. Again. It is a sensitive topic.
In short, crafting is much more useful, fun, and much easier than I originally had thought. I believe it takes a little too much game time experience to really utilize, which can put of new players. Also the crafting system suffers from a bit of clunky-ness and can be some what overpowered when heavily exploited. Maybe not pre-patch sniper rifle overpowered, but maybe a little bit much. :hubbahubba:
So now that everyone has a bit more experience in New Vegas, how do you feel about crafting. Love it? Hate it? Don’t touch it? Still broken? What’s your opinion?