Crysis 1 and Crysis warhead/Wars are some of the best games i have EVER played but crysis 2 looks like a step DOWN from the gleaming hights of FPS exalance that is crysis. if anyone from crytek reads this please put back more features that were in crysis 1, some examples.
the enviroment IS your weapon, anything fron a barral of petrol to a can of tuna can be thrown at your enermy useing strength mode for a knockdown or istakill, Washing machiene to the face FTW or just hit the guy with a shovel, better yet grab him and use him as a meatshield while you shoot his m8s. All of there i have done in Crysis 1 and have enjoyed my self imensely.
VEHICLES! yes we all know that VTOLs were way overpowerd, nothing removing the missiles wouldnt fix but tank and light vehicle combat is some of the best i've seen in a game thats not Battlefield 2/2142
Powerstruggle, 2nd best game moad ever!! no 1 is CnC moad form commandandconquer renagade but power struggle is still very awsome