- If you manage to get on an assault server, it mixes gametypes at map change!?
- It's S&D with a twist, but why the duck cant we just have classic S&D!?
Who's doing this mixed gametypes, there is a REASON why you select YOUR gametype when entering a quick match!!! Is it by crytek default or are the server admins being stupid again?
Sure mixed servers can be cool, but they should be designated as MIXED in server browser and quickmatch.
Iv been on a server with no UI, i'm guessing that's hardcoe mode, why can't you select that as a server browser and quickmatch choice?
That humans vs suit mode in assault, why is that not an option for every single gametype like hardcoe.
That way you could play Assault Normal, hardcoe and Humans vs Suits.
Sometimes developers choices when trying to make their game "unique", makes no sense and just ends up ruining a good thing...