I couldnt help but notice that you said sniper not snipers, what point I am trying to make is not that the sniper is over the top as a individual weapon, It is that it becomes to much when it is a commonly equipped weapon.
When there is 1 or 2 snipers its not a problem to deal with them simply because they can only cover so many angles, problem is when you have 3 or 4 and you can sucsessfully cover more or less all flanks, while you make taking them out with a AR sound simple, It is not.. while the snipers is the ones that cause the situation I speak of, you also have to consider those 4-5 other players when you try to get to these snipers.
as for Stick grenade/Caltrop, I play a operative aswell and there are pretty clear restrictions asto how far you can actually throw these things, not to mention because of theyr travel speed they are not hard to avoid.
You also need to keep in mind that disguising actually requires you to have a dead opponent to take that disguise of, and when those snipers are active you will be extremly lucky if you ever find a enemy dumb enough to get stuck in a semi safe position.
I also have to say getting pinned in CC rarely if ever happens to me, flashbangs are extremly effective in this map if used correctly, the same can how ever not be said sec tower, you're best bet of blinding someone there is tossing the fb straight up, but even then you'll be lucky if you blind half theyr players.
Like I said, I don't mind getting one shooted by headshots, I feel such kills are earned.. but getting instakilled by a body shoot is meaningless, and ill not bother quote richard ham again, you can scroll up if you missed it.
As for getting instagibbed by a shotgun:
1: have to be pretty much pointblank.
2: not a sure thing.
3: have to be in the middle of the fighting, or atleast not at some ledge 150m away.
And even so the buffed shotgun generally does not instakill me, unless its a headshot.
Edit: Chainlynx I am currently at 58 hours played, 50 of those as a light, I would be very suprised if someone managed to find a route I was not yet aware of.
There are exactly 4 routes up to that wall as resistance. (not counting various ways of reaching those routes obviously)
Right stairs.
Left stairs.
Sewer Pipes.
and the Ledge close to resistance first objective spawn.
2 of these are on the otherside of the wall, which means you either have to get trough the gate which is rarely anything but a suicide minefield, while a molotov surely clears out one or two of them, its also a big red light for the engineer who placed, and I might add that those engineers are generally the same snipers, I speak of here
Then theres the Sewer entrance, which leads you directly under security spawn 1: pretty much always a sniper sitting there 2: you have to cross a big glaring open area to get to it, the same area you need to run trough to hit the left stairs I might add 3: you need to either time it extremly well or be lucky so you dont get a spawn wave in your head.
Even if you pull all this of, which I have done quite a few times I might add, you will generally not get all of them, and even if you do they are so far spread out that by the time you clear them out the next spawn wave will have hit, and oppurtunity is lost.
It would most likely be possible to coordinate to some extent if you had a pre-made, then again thats only if thats an advantage the enemy team did not share, and last time I checked you shouldnt need a pre-made team to play the game.
My problem with the Barnet is in no way limited to Security tower, the same problem becomes clear on shipyard, and can also happen on resort.
As for clustering around nechayev, have you honestly ever seen anyone cluster around him ? that would be like shooting fish in a barrel, then again thats pretty much how it is currently.
Necrosis, I also generally played sniper in earlier shooters, but even those generally didnt kill in 1 body shoot, bolt action or not.
When I use a sniper rifle I take pride in actually earning that kill, rather then planting a single shoot in the body hitbox.
People keep speaking of realism, oh yeah 1 barret body shoot would definatly instantly kill you, prob, but personally id choose my chances of suriving a single barret shoot to the stomach/shoulder/chest over 20 or so AR/Smg Rounds, if we were to dwell in the realms of reality that is.
I am not asking to remove OHK's, I am how ever asking that these OHK's are restricted to the head hitbox. (Or to enemies without any bonus pips)
I personally do not consider myself unreasonable in this, then again you are obviously entitled to your own opinions on the mather.