It fitted in perfectly with my bedtime routine, bed , lights out , tv on timer, cheap ass low budget movie, and to my suprize I was awake longer than usual.
Over two nights I saw the whole movie, First thing that caught my eye was Jacks shirt, perfect. Second I knew who Val was right away, but as a reporter, Are you **** me. she was CIA TOTTY, and would have been better cast as such, kept waiting for the bit where she nips under the falls for a quick shower , no luck-absolutely no nudity, so that was dissapointing, lol.
Jack was putting me to sleep apart from the shirt, until he went ape as they destroyed his boat, then yea, he was Jack Carver, thinking that having "General ( bald ) Hammond " of Texas, in there and nudity, wouldnt have worked at all lol.
What about that crazy ass cowboy that was replaced by the woman, nice choice far better on the eye, But what would have made the movie work more for me would have been some CG, If only a few of the small Trygens could have put in an appearence, now that would have been better.
Anyone see DOOM, silly q, I know, but like it or not, CG made good on the movie in my opinion, even dwain looked cooler than usual. lol.
Lets see where this goes eh, mybe a few more people have seen it,