Indeed start playing campaign single player then wait for the game to start bribing me more XP to play online. :celebration:
Not my thinking at all

I'm more thinking (in online fps I play) that one could use single player to get a hold of the gameplay and the maps, and the roles your class has to play in the basics... then jumping in with real humans and a basic knowledge avilable to build some teamplay and strategy right away, hence getting the fun, imo.
I'm not used to take xp in account in online fps. Actually the whole upgrade with permanent xp thing is quite a recent trend imo, and I still don't like the idea. I prefer when all the stuff is available to everybody in the beginning, so one can already try out all. Though progressive xp can be ok because then you focus on weapons/unlocks one at a time, giving a bit of personnal experience and feeling with all the features before having them all, combining, trying new builds etc.
For this type of game I wouldn't play solo I suppose (never did even once on battlefield 2 or BC2, nor in ETQW. Exception for Wolf:ET I guess...). I prefer to FPS against AI monsters and splicers rather than human mimicking bots in a multiplayer setting. Maybe I'm getting a bit old !