» Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:43 pm
Im floored by how many diffirent ways you can tackle missions in this game. It combines everything i could want in a Fps, amazing lighting and graphics, predatory stealth gameplay, full out halo like chaotic gunfights, smart and very responsive ai, super powered suit, and **** Aliens!!! Would you agree?
Yes I would agree.
The single player here is awesome. it's takes more brain power than: Get to cover, Shoot Dudes. BUT, if that's how you want to play, you can throw that in there too! I feel I can play how I want. Which is a better feeling of freedom than a massive open area and nothing to do in it like other sandbox games I have played.
Crysis 2 does not feel like a multiplayer game with a 5 hour, flashy but ultimately forgettable single player experience thrown in for giggles.
I think Crysis 2 is a great step forward for FPS, but all I hear is, "Bawwww Graphics." or "Bawwww Multiplayer Balancing."