Ok, now alot of the BRINK videos you watch you might be thinking"oh thats an assault rifle." Actually almost all of the the guns you see are SMG's. Now im not saying there arent any assault rifles, but do you think that SMG's will be a widely used weapon for the games first weeks. Personally i think that people will mostly be using SMG's and sidearm's just because they want to be light weight and travel quicker.Now i dont know if the weight difference will effect you speed, but what do you think. What body type are you first goin to be, and what weapon category. Personally im going to be a medium with a variety of shotguns and assault rifles. Also if you preorder the game where from? Im getting doom becuase that game has a special place in my heart.
First of all, im pre ordering from steam cause of the scope and cause its the easiest

Anyways, im probably gonna be medium medic with shotguns and fast firing pistols. I like the idea of jumping of a building, throwing a needle to a downed guy, sliding to cover and blasting the crap out of people with a shotgun, and then picking of the others with the pistol. Im not sure which weights can use the shotgun so light if they can, medium if they can and if medium cant, ill go for an operative light with a short rifle.