Artic - Just because the game is developed for other consoles doesn't mean that they will ignore the PC version and community. Also they have never said that there would be another patch for Wars - just that they will answer our Q's. Give them time to sort the website and stuff then they should answer - i hope xD
Crytek have got Crysis 2 to think of now. Wars, if you ask me, is forgotten. Why should they support that title when there's something even big for them to work on?
Warhead isn't bad, it's fun but the single player is way too extremely short! Multiplayer (Crysis War) is fun though! Nobody cheats there and unfortunately too many ppl cheat in Crysis multiplayer cuz nobody host punkbuster servers and they just run hacks. Kinda lame. I like wars better since there are quite a few servers. Oh i forgot to mention. Please make our login much easier for the pc gamers to play mp