» Sun May 01, 2011 1:45 pm
I feel like this would require a much larger map.
It would also finally give me a reason to go to a light body type. I would love to give a reason to use the S.M.A.R.T. since I barely use it unless I'm at a choke-point in the map.
And I agree. There should be a short time limit and one life per player that way the re-spawn points wouldn't be a big deal.
This might be the only time I would agree with this type of gaming.
Or maybe like a shuttle run. Security stays in one place, and the Resistance has to sprint around them to one side, grab an objective, and bring it back to the other side. This would be like the Refuel Map, but hopefully on a larger map where there would be two or three floors to S.M.A.R.T. through.
Or it could be a terrible idea...