Screen Flickering - The main menu screen, and all available menu options, will have a Flickering picture. It's a black flicker, that happens about every Could this just be how the developers wanted it? It comes on and off, about every 4-10 seconds.
3D Ghosting Issues - The picture is not very clear, while the 3D option is on... You will get this ghosting effect, that really pushes you away from playing, in this mode. It would be great if there was a way to fix this, since I really looked forward to playing in 3D. It just give you a headache after a few minutes of playing, because your seeing 1 clear image, and another transparent image. (I have tried to adjust the 3D settings, and also on my TV, but still cannot get it right...)
Gun Not Visible Bug - Sometimes when you pickup a gun, it won't show the gun. You'll only see your hands wrapped around it, but no visible gun. Rarely happens, but something to take a look at...
GRENDEL Assault Rifle Issue - There were many times, that a guy would kill me from a far distance, using only the shotgun attachment. A problem that must be fixed! If they are shooting a grenade, well I want to see it hit me! The killcam will show the guy shoot in shotgun mode, with a small ping sound. Like he's firing 1 bullet, with a glitchy looking recoil.
Where are all the Guns? - I am having a problem, where there are only 3 Assault Rifles, both in the Campaign & Matchmaking. LOL! I'm just kidding, but we really need to see More Guns!!! Not sure how long I can stand, the few guns we have...
If I'm able to take video, or pictures of what I'm talking about. I will try and post them!
Anyone Else having Issues like this???