I just wanted to play a few matches online. First I had a crash upon the first connect, then I had a crash at the End of the Match on the Scoreboard and then I had a Crash Mid-Game.
Now, after the third crash, the game loads up and my Level 12 Character is gone and there is now way of restoring the data apparently.
I know, a Level 12 Character might not be that high and easily reachable again, but seriously, are you kidding me?
I mean, even Black Ops didn't crash my PS3 that frequently and did also not erase my Save Game Data. Nice Auto-Save "Feature".
And while this may sound as a rant, I just wanted to pass the info of what has happened to me to and to warn you that there is a possibility you'll lose your character.
This is the first time in my 2 years of playing PS3 that I consider returning a game. While I haven't made up my mind yet, I will definitely not be playing until this issue has been addressed.