Not many people must play this is surround sound 5.1 otherwise i think there would be allot of people talking about it... The sound is very glitchy in this game at times, although its meant to be kind of 'cartoony' if you get what i mean [not very good
] I dont like the gun sounds anyway, they sound clanky and not very different from eachother, and just not good quality, although it adds character to the game.
But I use 5.1 and when im flashbanged or knocked down or hit by a grenade or just being shot loads the gun sound comes out the center speaker as usual and at normal volume, but in these moments for a few seconds there is a delay of the gun sound form the center speaker in the 2 left and right speakers [when normally they are just be at the same time and volume as the centre {obviously}] and its extremly loud compared, I cant put the volume up too loud because otherwise when it happens its a big and sharp change in volume very quickly for a few seconds and i feel it could damage the expensive speakers.
And no its not my speaker system before you ask lol, its the game the sound is all round very glitchy, i must notice it way too much because im using surround sound, but this needs to be adressed.