Ok, so seriously, I have check out other post on this thread and I seriously hope someone is reading them from Bethesda or Splash Damage because I am about to request a refund. You promised a product where it's a shoot em up, have fun in a fictional city, but I have only been able to play 4 missions, once I get to a certain point, I can only watch the "LOADING SCREEN" just try to load and load and load. I sat for 30 Minutes, listening to the stupid load music, reading the informational blurbs and the bottom, and STILL NOTHING! Do I have to rub my PS3 while standing on one foot in a luke warm ceramic cereal bowl for this to work or what? Please write me back, or I will be taking back your defective game to GameStop, and personally swearing off Bethesda *(Even though your Elder Scrolls Creations are amazing) and I will never again purchase a Splash Damage game. FIX IT! Tell me what to do to FIX IT!