The first time, I was fighting for NCR, even though I didn't always agree with what they do. Guns + Energy weapon character.
The second time, I was fighting for independence. I was pretty much on good terms with everybody except the Powder Gangers. Unarmed-only character.
I have yet to do an 'evil' character however, which will be #4. I plan to basically fight for the Legion and help out everybody I don't like when I can and kill the innocent. What would be good for a Legionnaire characters? List the SPECIAL and Tag skills I should use for this.
And the last playthrough, will be an NCR playthrough. Yes, I was with them the first time around, but I was more-so helping them out. For this one, I wanted to more like a non-commissioned officers for the Republic.Use NCR armor, follow NCR rules, use NCR weapons, do all NCR quests. You get the point. What should my SPECIAL and Tag skills be for this one?