» Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:59 pm
well lag im sure is something PC doesnt fix due to several factors, A: PC is probably using dedicated servers with optimum tech. B: The game doesnt even lag THAT terribly on platform, and PC usually (if properly set up) has much faster processing speed, and many PC gamers have the most uber fast connections available. I still dont understand the lag issue. Im running my PS3 through wireless connection via cable internets lowest and cheapest package available, and i still get MVP quite often.. Borat50, wherever he is, can vouch to my abilities in that department. So while i have noticed it, and im sure some users are experiencing this even worse than i am, I think the issue will be hard to fix, if fixable at all, just due to how vague and inconclusive the issues are that create the lag. Too many variables to consider. sure the platforms are the same, but internet connections never are. How long your ethernet is, whether or not you use wireless, what type of bitrate package you subscribe to, cable vs DSL vs T3, how many people are using the service in your grid, how many lines are tapped into it within your home network, etc.... all can contribute to lag. its just hard to narrow down a cause, and so many people (like myself) dont experience lag on a devastating level.