Two Issues: One in Menus, One In-game.

Post » Sun May 01, 2011 6:01 pm

So my copy of Brink came in the mail today from Amazon and after installing it, I found out that all the ATI Card stuff was true and I had terrible FPS. I installed the hotfix but the first time it BSoD'ed me and I had to uninstall Catalyst Control Center and reinstall the hotfix with terrible resolution (800x600). It installed fine the second time and everything was great. I disabled the shadows in-game and my FPS is great running at around 60 like usual.

Only problem is now when ever I am in the game for awhile, I've been doing the challenges, about half-way through or close to the end my screen turns all black and it will do one of two things. Freeze my computer, or make the program stop responding. And on top of that, whenever I am in the menus for awhile while changing appearance or skills/weapons my screen just turns to all grey (the shade of menu background) and the music keeps on playing but I can't do anything. Alt-Tab doesn't work, Ctrl-Alt-Delete doesn't work, and same with the windows key. I have to do a shutdown while holding power button.

Not to mention now just randomly without the game open my computer will freeze whenever it feels like it. I'm wondering if this new hotfix has done something to my computer or maybe I'm running the graphics a bit high and I'm freezing because of my GPU overheating.

Thanks for the help and here are my specs:

Laptop Model: Asus G73Jh
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
CPU: Intel i7 Q720 1.6GHz
Memory: 6GB RAM
Graphics Card: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870

And yes you read that right I game on a laptop because I move around a lot ^^
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 4:30 am

Shameful bump with a small update (I guess).

Got sick of my computer freezing when not in-game so I did a system recovery to before I did the hotfix and now no freezing but of course in-game is terrible FPS, not sure what to do now :(
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Ally Chimienti
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