» Tue Mar 24, 2009 4:38 pm
360 has a better gpu, so shader effects will probably look and perform better. PS3 has a better CPU so it makes sense that draw distance would be better. A modern gaming PC has a better cpu AND gpu (and more ram), so it will probably perform and look much better than either console version.
IIRC, Cevat said in an interview way back in 2007 that the only real thing preventing a Crysis-like game on consoles was the lack of memory NOT processing power. An entire level in Crysis takes up ~ 1.2 GB of ram, and then you have to add all of the texture and AI data to that memory as well. I think I'm correct in saying that both platforms have ~512 MB of ram total (256 dedicated video ram, 256 for the system). You can see where the problems arise.
But I digress - remember, the great thing about CE3 is its ability to dynamically scale its performance for each platform. TBH I doubt there will be a noticeable difference graphics-wise on the two console platforms. Maybe a few small things here and there, but for the most part they will look and perform equally well.