What is Old Guys? Old Guys is an international gaming community. we are playing multiple games like BF:BC2, Homefront, Battlefield Heroes and Medal of Honor.
What can OG give me? Old Guys are always in for a laugh. We are a comfy community where fun comes in the first place. You can find us on out Teamspeak 3 server and we have multiple gaming servers in the game we play and already one server in Crysis 2! OG stands for a hackers free gaming enviroment and we are keeping close contacts with GGC.
What is GGC? GGC is a program, simular to PBBans, that works together with punkbuster to keep the hacker away. if you are cought hacking on a GGC server you will be instanteniously banned on all the GGC streamed servers. this is how we keep our servers clean!
Where do i sign up? Visit us at http://www.oldguys.eu and click on the button join us. this is a menu where you can write your aplication for the game you are playing!
We are looking foreward to see you on the battlefield!
// Divinethug