the first one isn't really an "issue", maybe i'm just retarded. but in single player how do you pick up the JAW if you already have two guns? earlier in the campaign i was allowed to switch out the JAW for my secondary weapon, but now i'm at central station getting continuously obliterated because there are 476984376984769834 JAWs around and i can use 0 of them, haha.
secondly, i noticed a possible bug in kills counted towards the armor enhance module upgrade. yesterday i had 50/150 kills needed to upgrade the module. then i played two consecutive matches of crash site, each with 10+ kills, and most of those kills being while armor was engaged. but currently my progression tells me i only have 54/150 kills while in armor. impossible. anyone else have kills not counting toward this upgrade?
those are pretty much the only real issues i've encountered. this might be my favorite game in a LONG time.