Name: Bree Seraph (or Seraph-Johansen, not married, second last name is just an alias)
Age: 19 going on 20
Gender: Female
Race: Mixed (part Caucasian, part African-American)
Class: All-arounder.
Skills (best 6): Thieving, persuasion, fixing things, and all gun things (Big, Small, Energy guns). She's a gun girl.
Height: 4'11 - 5'0 (depending on her shoes)
Body type: Slim to average
Eyes: Pale grey-blue
Hair: Brown, in a flared bun at the back, with strands of hair floating down the sides of her face (think Moira Brown's hairstyle).
Tone: Flushed, extremely light brown, spots of dusts here and there on the face.
Clothing: Wasteland Wanderer outfit, biker goggles that sit atop of the head, and small backpack sling, that ties at the front of the torso. Tan gloves are on, when required.
Weaponry: 10mm Submachine Gun, Laser Rifle, Laser Pistol and Chinese Assault Rifle, with the occasional Ripper.
Age: 19 going on 20
Gender: Female
Race: Mixed (part Caucasian, part African-American)
Class: All-arounder.
Skills (best 6): Thieving, persuasion, fixing things, and all gun things (Big, Small, Energy guns). She's a gun girl.
Height: 4'11 - 5'0 (depending on her shoes)
Body type: Slim to average
Eyes: Pale grey-blue
Hair: Brown, in a flared bun at the back, with strands of hair floating down the sides of her face (think Moira Brown's hairstyle).
Tone: Flushed, extremely light brown, spots of dusts here and there on the face.
Clothing: Wasteland Wanderer outfit, biker goggles that sit atop of the head, and small backpack sling, that ties at the front of the torso. Tan gloves are on, when required.
Weaponry: 10mm Submachine Gun, Laser Rifle, Laser Pistol and Chinese Assault Rifle, with the occasional Ripper.
Now that that's out of the way, let's get started shall we?
"Yooowwwl, it's your man, Three Dog, hitting the radio waves once again, kiddies!" The radio blared loudly, with the voice of the ever famous, Three Dog, host of GNR broadcasting. With a soft click, he suddenly was off.
A gentle sigh, and a plop came, as a girl donning a Pip-Boy 3000A sank knees first into the dusty, barren grounds of the Wasteland. Beside her, was a fresh kill, a Giant Radscorpion, with its stolen poison glands in her hand, and her trusty Ripper she jokingly named Jill in the other. "I can't stand him and his nonsense... Come on, boy, let's head back to Rivet City."
It was another hot day, full of exhausting chores for the Wastelander to do. She was on business, doing some work for the Cantellis at A Quick Fix in Rivet City. The Wastelander hated most of her jobs: collect this, kill that, go and nearly get yourself mutilated for this cause. It was disastrous, tiresome work, and it would almost get her killed 9 times out of 10, but it made her caps: caps which bought her home, and kept food on her table and spruced up clothing on her back. Not to mention, it kept her trusty dog, Dogmeat (don't ask about the name), healthy and happy.
"This is the last time that I'm ever going to do this again, I swear... I had better get more than 150 caps for this." The Wastelander huffed and mumbled, coming to her feet again, dust rising around her. The wind was starting to pick up. She flipped her hood over her head, and promptly stashed the acquired glands into her bag. Dogmeat happily barked, and nudged her forward, pressing his head into the back of her knee. "Alright, alright, boy, I know you need your walk, let's go."
It's been a year and a half since she was asked to pursue her father's dream of continuing Project Purity for the Wasteland, but she never took it into consideration. She gave the Modified FEV to Elder Lyons of the Brotherhood of Steel, it would be in more trustful hands she guessed, and continued on her duties; helping those who need it, fending off the remaining Enclave members. But, the thought of letting her mother, and more importantly her father down, haunted her though. She thought constantly on returning. But she didn't.
Since then, she's never went in the direction of the Jefferson Memorial.
She cracked open a bottle of purified water, took a swig for herself, and let Dogmeat have a bit, waterfalling it over his muzzle some. What good has the Wastes done for me, she questioned herself. It's because of the Wastes my father is dead. This place is full of nothing but traitors and con artists. They don't deserve clean water... Or a second chance. But she knew this wasn't true. She has saved others as well, those deserving of another chance at the damned life they had... They all had damned lives.
The Wastelander, and her companion, soon entered the ruins of the city, nearing the metal metro staircase, leading to the bridge of the battleship civilization, Rivet City. She pressed the button of the intercom, "Hello, I'm returning here on errand for Cindy Cantelli."
The city guard responded, "Of course, just a moment." Soon, with the squealing of rusted metal moving, the city bridge swung over, connecting the small metro center to the battleship.
A walk and few moments later, the Wastelander and Dogmeat were in the marketplace. The humdrum hustle and bustle was slow, and sluggish, hopeless of any change outside of this metal city. But faithful smiles greeted the two, including the smile of Cindy's.
"Hey Bree, I hope it wasn't too bad. I had hope you'd come back in one piece." Cindy joked, as Bree came over to her vendor. "Did you get the glands I asked for?"
"Yes, I did, and then some." The Wastelander, Bree, placed her bag down onto the store counter, removing a few huge glands, soaking in their own poisonous juices. "Just what in the hell are you going to use these for anyway? These almost burned a new hole in my bag..."
"It's a wart removal gel I'm working on," Cindy happily replied. "You can try some when I'm done developing it. But in the meanwhile, here's your 150 caps." She poured out a jar-full of Nuka-Cola bottle caps. Some were bent, some were flatten for more convenient carry, but they were all valuable.
"Uh, about that, Cindy..." Bree started, "Dogmeat got a really good sting of that stuff when he fended off the thing while I reloaded... Do you think I could get just a bit extra for his recovery? 250 caps should do it."
Cindy made an unsure groan, but she agreed. "Alright, but you had better come back and spend some of those caps here when you can!" She took out another container full of caps, and counted them out. "250, there you are. Thanks again, Bree."
"Don't mention it. It's just what I do." She swept the caps into her bag, and started to make her way to the clinic. She still thought about the Project. It always lingered in the back of her mind.
Tell me what you think. Should I continue? o.o