» Sat May 30, 2009 4:34 am
I don't think Epic have a lot to worry about. What does CE3 have? Lots and lots of pretty graphics features. What does UE3 have? Mid-range graphics, a large user base, integrated Steamworks support, and an engine that runs on iPhone.
But again Cryengine is just getting its feet in the water. Soon enough right around next year more indie games will be released for XBLA and PSN and Steam like a project called Nexuiz. Also Ignition Entertainment is making something with it too.
Epic already have a five-year headstart on Crytek, a much larger user base, a wider range of supported platforms and Steamworks: why should they be bothered by Crytek releasing some indie games on XBLA/PSN/Steam when they've got hundreds of indie games already using UE3?