» Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:01 pm
Same here. I need to play between 10-25, otherwise it's almost impossible to lead headshot at med to lang range consistantly.
As it should be, Centre mass is the key my friend for accuracy while convienantly I have 500 kills and 200 of which are headshots.
I've never said that I had any trouble at aiming, since I got 782 kills and 604 headshots. I have a similar ratio on most games and a nearly perfect ratio of headshots on Rainbow Six Vegas 2. If it is humanly possible to do so, you can be sure I'll find a way to master the whole thing. But I take no credits, I just have some experience and take the time to reach that level, anyone with enough dedication can do that, but if I think those controls are flawed, there is a lot of chance that a lot of players from all over the world may not feel comfortable with those controls.
So, as a gamer and game developer, I took the time to come here and express the problem, because there is actually a real one. I would be glad to see such a great game to get a patch that would not only please the fans, but also give justice to the MP. The sensitivity curve accelerates way too fast around the center to give enough precision to the player and it should be slowed down a bit, just to give a better curve - whatever the sensitivity is. I would challenge anyone to get my ratio of headshots in Crysis 2 MP with a sensitivity of 50 or beyond and use the Scar as a primary weapon.
Everyone would benefit of more natural controls and it wouldn't hurt to have more customization options, just in case.
From the hip
X axis sensitivity: 1-10
Y axis sensitivity: 1-10
(optional) X axis acceleration: 1-10
(optional) Y axis acceleration: 1-10
Iron sight
X axis sensitivity: 1-10
Y axis sensitivity: 1-10
(optional) X axis acceleration: 1-10
(optional) Y axis acceleration: 1-10