Call your isp, if thats who you got your router from.. Atleast thats the ones i got my router from for free.. I just told my isp my issues with console gaming and he was like.. "Ooooh! then you need this router" Got the router after 2 days.. sent back my old one and WAM! Open nat settings since Call of duty 4
Most times its your router thats the problem. If you have some of the older ones you cant fidle with it to get open nat.. Had large issues with other routers before i had a serious talk with my isp about gaming and routers. Had to check my wave ^^, My best download now on the new router is 155.52 Mb/s and upload is on 107.92 Mb/s with ping at 2 ms. Before i got that router it was more in the lines of 92-98 up and around 60-70 down. So old routers limit what you get big time apperently. +some for some reason also cant go into "gaming mode" And you have to do it manual. Some is limited there to so you cant even get better than moderate.
But thats the thing with online gaming on console, 90% of the issues you see on the forum is all about routers. People complain about Nat settings.. Router.. People complain about "lags".. most certain their router settings.. or some other dudes router settings ^^, And in that section im pretty sure hit detection lands to with data vs data in a fight for survival =P
There will allways be issues in console gaming sadly when it comes to p2p gaming. Only way to make p2p a perfect choice is to actually get ppl to learn how to set up their router/call their isp and ask what they/or I can do to get a better console experiance.