» Fri Jun 19, 2009 11:47 am
1 - Being able to manage your energy. Toggle armor and invisibility when needed and being able to transition in between them.
2 - Choosing nanosuit modules(Perks) specifically to your type of gamestyle. I mean you wont put mobility on if you a more laid back person.
3 - Map Knowledge, simply being able to know a map will GREATLY increase your success in being a great player and teammate!
Those are mine. Whats yours?
Not to discount the obvious necessity to master these... but i feel compelled to point out that these are in fact rather obvious from the first 10 minutes of online play. Once one knows their energy depletes with everything but shooting, and has to choose modules to beef their character up, those will become top priority. Map knowledge is crucial but is only possible through extensive play of the game. You just naturally learn the maps.
One thing I would like to point out on an advanced strategy note, a "laid back" person wouldnt last very long in C2 multiplayer. I honestly suggest mobility enhance for EVERY player. Energy is your life in game and so is being able to sprint, power jump, slide, and still have reserves for armor/stealth when you need it and usually you need to do many of them simultaneously. This perk is a must have in my opinion, just because of the pace of the game. Especially useful in crash site or other team objective matches when getting back into the mix as fast as possible is crucial to winning the match.