Same thing has been happening to me since the night before last. I was playing game after game fine up until I was booted out mid-game after which I keep getting thrown into empty lobbies. Every once in a while someone will come in and wait with me for upwards of ten minutes, they wouldn't be waiting that long unless they were having the same problem (I don't use a mic so it wasn't friendly conversation that was keeping them waiting).
Many games have network issues early on in their lives, I've come to accept this. It doesn't bother me mainly because I know that while it may seem like it takes a while to get them worked out, these companies will work them out. Both this game and Homefront are having issues at the moment but they are great games and I have confidence in their respective companies desire and ability to correct them.
But yeah, same issue here and it bums me out. Though I just subscribed to on my PS3 and Opening Day is tomorrow (which happens to be César Chávez Day here in California), so my entertainment will likely consist solely of watching ball starting tomorrow and carrying on for at least a solid week. Hopefully by then both of these games will have their issues sorted out.