character's endurance level is how long they can sprint. A time meter in the upper-right hand corner of the HUD projects the
amount of time you can sprint for (Ex: 12:00=12 minutes, That weird sideways eight symbol represents infinite sprint time/run time
for over-encumbered-ness.) Pressing the auto-run/walk key and holding the sprint key WILL make you auto-sprint/auto-run, only for the
time specified. When sprint-time has run out you still go at the same pace from before sprinting, it should not automatically make
you walk or stop. Standing still helps regain sprint-time faster than walking or running, crouching does not effect regaining sprint
time. Sprinting is 1.5X faster than running (In the console for PC, it means your sprint is defaulted at 6 since your run is defaulted
at 4.) Sprint-speed is also effected by equipped weapons and armor, by how much is the game designers choice.
Note: Should require DLC for FNV. Special perk is set for requiring endurance of 7 and level 20 (level for acquiring based on
level cap for future reference) to auto-enable always sprint. Sprinting is a sort of override on over-encumbered-ness, but the time
specified for any endurance level other than 10 is automatically set to half of the time stated if over-encumbered, you only run when holding the key as well. The silent running perk only effects
running, sprinting is even noisier otherwise so the game designers will would enact any future perks allowing a more stealthy sprint.
Crouch-Sprinting will not effect time in any way.
Perk Dialogue for what's called Courier's Sprint: Being in the courier business for so long, delivering messages across the entire
Mojave, has effected you so much that you can deliver messages even faster. The amount of time you can sprint becomes infinity,
and over-encumbered-ness limits you to running instead of sprinting.
Another Note: In hardcoe Mode, sprinting will double the amount of time dehydration levels increase only. With the wild
wasteland trait, the sprinting animation changes to a faster hand-stand run and the first time sprint is used the upper-left hand part
of the HUD plays the specific dialogue and sound. You CANNOT use a weapon when sprinting, but if you do not have a
weapon equipped you can do a fast jab only, power moves will play out regularly. With the wild wasteland trait it is a fast kick
with your feet. In First-Person view you can see your feet un-holstered when sprinting with the wild wasteland trait, otherwise it's
your average fists.
Endurance Chart For How Long Sprint Is Based On S.P.E.C.I.A.L. If set to the specified number, this is how long you can
sprint before needing to rest for 1/2 of the time acquired to fully regain sprint-time (in-game time of course.) over-encumbered-ness does not effect amount of time needed to fully regain sprint-time.
1- 12 minutes
2- 18 minutes
3- 24 minutes
4- 30 minutes
5- 36 minutes
6- 42 minutes
7- 48 minutes
8- 54 minutes
9- 60 minutes
10- Forever, over-encumbered-ness allows you to run (not sprint) when holding key, special perk also has same effect.
Enabled only for the courier themselves... :mohawk: